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How to set the appropriate SAG for your suspension.

I.SAGWhat is SAG and Why Should You Set It? #

1、When you sit on the bike, the percentage of suspension compression is called SAG.

2、Setting the appropriate SAG can change the feel, comfort, range, and performance of your bike.

II.Tools Needed #

To set your SAG, you’ll need the following tools (as shown in the image):① A pump with a pressure gauge,
② A calculator,
③ A ruler,
And a helpful friend.

III.Important Notes #

1、Each suspension has a different maximum air pressure and total travel (as shown in the image). The maximum air pressure for this suspension is 325psi, and the total travel is 65mm. When inflating the suspension, do not exceed the maximum air pressure. Otherwise, it could cause the shock to fail.

2、When setting the SAG, make sure to wear your usual riding gear, including your helmet, clothes, and any normally carried backpack or load.

3、Before starting, ensure that your suspension is fully open and not locked.

IV.SAG Setting Steps #

1、Rotate the valve cover in the direction of the arrow to unscrew it and place it in a safe location (as shown in the image).

2、When riding the bike, have your friend support the bike from the front (or use a wall for additional support if needed) (as shown in the image).

3、Have your assistant move the rubber O-ring on the shock absorber shaft to the dust seal (as shown in the image). Hold the brake and vigorously bounce the bike up and down 5-10 times (simulating the regular up and down motion of riding). Then, assume your normal standing position to stabilize the bike. Carefully tilt your body backward and dismount without touching the O-ring. Measure the distance from the O-ring to the dust seal (in millimeters) (as shown in the image). Divide this number by the total travel distance and multiply by 100 to get the SAG percentage (for example, 19.5/65 x 100 = 30%) (as shown in the image).


4、Our factory default SAG is set at 30%. If you require a smaller SAG, simply add 10 psi to the shock absorber each time using the pump and retest. If you need a larger SAG, use the pump’s air release function to reduce the pressure by 10 psi at a time and retest.

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